1 / 2 – Diving into happiness

Be inspired by our happiness quotes and dive into the fantastic world of Light Ragaz

Light Lounge

We serve you in our Light Lounge with snacks and refreshing drinks

3 – Getting to know the elemental spirits

We will introduce you to our four elemental spirits - they were already discovered 500 years ago by the bath physician and natural scientist Paracelsus

4 – Encounter with Paracelsus

We'll tell you the story of Tamina's magical journey to happiness. Why do you think she's worried?

5 – Conversation among friends

The four friends agree, they want to inspire people and take them into their magical world of elements

6 – Luck of the elemental spirits

What makes our elemental spirits happy?

7 – Source of happiness

Feel the power of the 36.5 degree thermal water

8 – The water spirit Tamina

Tamina takes you into her world

9 – The earth spirit Quercus

Quercus takes you into his world

10 – The air spirit Nubes

Nubes takes you into her world

11 – The fire spirit Vulpes

Vulpes takes you into his world

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